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Chocolate Covered Fruit Sticks

It is so easy to make these fruit sticks. My girls loved them because their two favorite food was together. Fruits and chocolate. Easy to make, delicious to eat. If you want you can try with other fruits too.


- 10 strawberries

- 2 bananas

- 1 apple

- kebab sticks

- 80 gr white chocolate

- 80 gr dark chocolate

- 2 table spoons cream


Pour water into a wide pan and bring to boil. Put the every chocolate in different small pans. Add one table spoon of cream to each. Put the small pans into the boiling water and melt the chocolate. Stir it so that it has a smooth texture. Cut the fruits so that they can be put on the sticks. After putting them to sticks put them to a wide bowl, placing each stick end to the bowl. Slowly spread the chocolates over the fruit with the help of a spoon. After that let it sit in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes. Take it out and repeat the process once or twice. Your chocolate fruit sticks are ready.

Bon Appetite!

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